Ninja Kids Winter and Spring
A game-based martial arts program for 3-5 year olds ➢ learn counting in Japanese ➢ play self-defense games ➢ learn basic martial moving and techniques ➢ enhance listening skills ➢ encourages strong self esteem
Location: West Coast Gojukai Karate Studio, 99 Moray St #2, Port Moody, BC V3H 3M2 Time/Day: Tuesdays 3:45pm-4:20pm OR 4:25pm-5pm< Winter Session: January 7th–March 10th (10 classes $160) Spring Session: April 14th-June 16th (10 classes $160) Only 8 spots available – register now to hold a spot!! Certified female black-belt instructor and Early Childhood Educator, Caren Eigenmann. Certificates are presented at the end of the session! www.gojukai-bc.ca dojo@gojukai-bc.ca 778-355-4658