
COVID-19 response


We are now training in the dojo using a mask optional protocol.  Partner work has started again for those who are willing.  We still observe traditional cleaning protocols as well as hand sanitation between sessions.


We are monitoring the advice from Dr. Bonnie Henry and the BC CDC and SportBC to ensure all our students remain safe.  We will adjust our protocols as necessary. At the moment;  classes will resume on January 10th making use of our continuing COVID protocol. Masks must be worn when not on the training floor. Proof of vaccination must be provided (privately, to Shihan) prior to entering class. 


We continue to monitor the advice and adjust our protocols accordingly. We are continuing with the modifications as detailed below.


Viasport has recently given us permission to train in close proximity without masks. 

What does this mean?
No spectators allowed.
No masks for indoor practice but masks need to be worn when not on the dojo floor (when socializing in the entryway, arriving and leaving)
No social distancing required during training (can you say, "sardines" :) ?)

Spectators allowed 
No masks required for practice or for off the 'field'
No social distancing required

What now?
Until further notice, we will continue with outdoor training for karate, rain or shine.
Be advised that masks will not be required but are welcome if you want to wear one (or want your child to wear one).
Regular training for karate this week will continue to be socially distanced with cones (no contact between partners)
Next week, I will begin to introduce closer contact with pre-arranged drills done in slow motion (we are all out of practice when it comes to practising in close proximity to partners).  I want to avoid injury.

If you have concerns about you or your child practising without social distancing, please let me know so I can include them (or you) in the training while maintaining distancing. 

Let's all take a deep breath and move forward slowly and with a clear vision so that we don't miss the ruts in the road.  Let's get there in one piece. 
Thank you all for your continued support.  It is humbling.

The dojo continues to forge forward with classes!  We are pleased to update our information and report our new COVID protocols. 
Kids are all welcome onsite! Lists have been sent to all the parents regarding times and days for their child's attendance.  Kids still need to pass the COVID Assessment, need to wear a mask for training and need to sanitise hands prior to and after training.  No partner work is allowed and kids have 3 metres x 6 metres in which to do their training and enjoy the karate challenges presented to them during the class.

There is a little bit of room in some of the classes for new members so contact the dojo (dojo@gojukai-bc.ca) for availability and a trial class!  

Adults continue online with Zoom (in conjunction with older kids onsite) and are not yet allowed in the studio for training.  One-to-one lessons are still approved so booking a private lesson is still a good idea!  Adult classes continue with Monday, Wednesday evenings and Friday mornings.  Brown and Black belts get the extra Thursday night training.

Yoga and Tai Chi have both been given the green light for onsite attendance with 2.5 metres apart for practice.  Please note that with limited onsite attendance, pre-booking is required.  Zoom online is available in conjunction with the onsite classes.  

Weapons classes continue - contact the dojo for those details.

Jujutsu is a distant memory but not forgotten.  As soon as the dojo has approval to resume those classes, they will appear back on the schedule.

Bootcamp classes are also continuing online with zoom on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.  When we can resume outdoor training, it will happen.

It's been quite a year so far.  When I think about the challenges that we have all had to face, I think of a quote by Pema Chodron that I like to revisit when things get hard:  "Only to the extent that we expose ourselves over and over to annihilation can that which is indestructible be found in us.

Well its time for an update.  We Were back in the Dojo with in-person training in limited numbers and by prior registration.  We had two groups that alternated with one online and one in the Dojo.
However, with  new advice and regulations from the provincial government we are all now training online. 

If you have not received a link to our zoom based online classes please reach out to Shihan Donna for details.

Let us continue to lead by example and demonstrate strength and respect.  We look forward to seeing you in class and eventually training in-person together again.

Stay Healthy!

In view of the current situation, our Environmental Protection Officer, Lynda Quan, has approved our return to activity with some strict guidelines.

West Coast Gojukai has struck a Task Force of 5  individual members (parents and karate practitioners) to develop a reopening plan keeping these guidelines in place.

This plan includes:

  • Guidelines in preparation for attending training onsite
  • Guidelines for training onsite
  • Bathroom protocols
  • Social Distancing protocols
  • Cleaning protocols after classes

These protocols are posted at the dojo and a binder also includes a risk assessment plan for our dojo.

For the first two weeks of June, adults have been invited to return to training, wearing masks, in groups of no more than 8 persons (with pre-selected groups that train together).
Virtual and onsite classes have been occurring at the same time.
Kids will remain virtual (or outdoors) for the remainder of June.  

The dojo has been stripped of all unnecessary items (equipment) and 6 ft squares have been taped off to allow as many as 14 persons training safely with proper social distancing.  There is no sparring or bunkai training (no contact or partner exercises) in the dojo yet.

West Coast Gojukai has been doing all it can to ensure that members continue to learn and practice karate and kobudo, taichi and yoga.  Jujutsu will take some time to return, I believe.

Virtual is here to stay for the rest of June, at least (in conjunction with slow re-integration of onsite training).

Stay healthy, stay positive, practice being kind and being patient.  

Hi all members of West Coast Gojukai, friends and family,

After listening to Prime Minister Trudeau's address to the nation, I have decided to suspend training at the dojo for the coming week, in an effort to keep our community safe and to help BC prevent the spread of this virus.

All indoor training (Morning workout, Yoga, TaiChi, Karate, Weapon's, Jujutsu) will be cancelled from today, March 16th to Sunday, March 22. An update about training in the dojo for the following week will be sent on Sunday, March 22.


Karate members
For those who still want to move and practice, I will be hosting a 1-hr OUTDOOR KATA PRACTICE in Mundy park in the grassy area at the corner of Foster and Hillcrest in Coquitlam. This practice is open to any dojo member who would like to attend for kata training. Show up Monday/Wednesday 6:15 - 7:15 PM. Wear normal clothes and normal shoes. Dress warmly. We will keep the required 1 metre distance apart. There will be no partner practice.

Morning Workout
For those 6 Workout participants, I will be hosting an OUTDOOR 6:00 AM BOOT CAMP just outside the dojo on both Tuesday and Thursday. Show up at the dojo door Tuesday morning. Bring outdoor runners, water, a mat or rug that you can ly on outside and be ready to get sweaty.

Tai Chi Practice
For Tai Chi participants, I will be offering OUTDOOR TAI CHI at Mundy Park at the grassy knoll at the corner of Foster and Hillcrest in Coquitlam. Show up at 10:30 AM on Tuesday and be ready to practice.

If you are sick (feeling unwell, runny nose, fever or cough) please do not attend any of these trainings - stay home.
Let's keep active, as best we can. Eat properly and drink water. Get enough sleep. Of course, wash your hands often.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Let's do what we can to help each other stay safe, healthy and supported.

kind regards,
Donna Gardecki
West Coast Gojukai


Dear valued member of the West Coast Gojukai Community,

Like you, we are concerned about the spread of COVID-19.
It has potential health implications for all of us and can create fear and stress.

West Coast Gojukai would like to support your health and wellbeing by sharing some important information.

At the moment, we are all being advised by the Public Health Agency of Canada and the BC Centre for Disease Control to take simple precautions to keep ourselves and others safe.
Washing your hands frequently and thoroughly is the top safety measure to combat this (and other) virus. In addition, cover the mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing (followed by hand-washing), and avoiding contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness. One more thing: avoid touching your face at any time.

If you are experiencing symptoms of respiratory illness (cough, shortness of breath, and fever), please stay home until you feel better. We are happy to accept a doctor's note to hold your membership for the time you need to get well and return to training.

Within the karate school, we are cleaning more thoroughly and trust that students will adhere to a rigorous hand washing regime between classes and when using the bathroom/changerooms.
The class schedule is remaining the same except for Spring Break hours (please check the website).

Everyone continues to be welcome at West Coast Gojukai.
Exercise regularly, consume adequate nutrition and sleep enough; these things plus regular and rigorous hand washing are excellent ways to combat getting sick.

See you at training soon!